Majestic Horses

My love for horses, these incredible and majestic beings, ever since I was a toddler, has guided me to study their form and behaviors. So much so that some of my favorite shots are the ones I capture when I am just with them in the ring. Sitting with them, observing them and letting them be who they are. Discovering their unique personalities and just be in the moment.

It is a privilege to be welcomed into their space and when that happens you will be privy to some spectacular moments.

All of our photos are available for print in various sizes, material and pricing. Please contact us to discuss your vision and need for either your home or office, or for a present. We would love to discuss availability on any piece that catches your eye. / 818.426.2694

All our written, design and photography content on this website and social media accounts belongs to L’Arte Photography

All rights reserved, do not copy, download or reproduce. / © 2015-2023 L’Arte Photography